
Poetry Kanto 2013

Editor's Note
Alan Botsford

Ah (says the poet), all this growing to do in these gestures of balance… As they make themselves felt again in the rounds You’ve been making, past all regret, Beyond the well of sorrow and hope, As they climb the stairway up the center Of your heart, it’s then that the wordbeats–Echoing like footfalls in your forehead Where the sharp pain announces itself Briefly, for just a moment, before Descending once more into memory–Tap out the messages you’re a vessel for, An instrument for the music you hear Somewhere in the foreground, the drumming In the ear that says to you:
From the street to the ivory tower comes the deal, realing and wheeling, not of ‘poetry’–but of communing selves by poetic justice where swirling in and around and through each other word for word, context within context, are the world’s spirits distilled to a new form. When the moon is free-est, the tales are tallest, when tales are tallest, plots are thickest, when plots are thickest, the living and the dead have some business together, whose transactions, artfully overheard, remind you to Keep on loving What you would love, where you would.



a mamaist ten most-wanted










Botsford, Alan. mamaist: learning a new language. Kamakura, Japan, Minato No Hito, 2002.



I don't want to make a big thing out of this.
There's more to life than this, I know.
But I will say this—
this, in a sense, is the stuff from which everything else is made;
everything--including this, that and the other--comes from this.
Though I can’t understand this with my mind,
I mean this,
I'm not just saying this.
Of course, I realize not everyone wants to hear this,
not everyone likes the sound of this.
Dreams, after all, are made of this;
this has driven some people mad.
Some, not knowing what to make of this,
may not want to get into this right now.
Others, finding this hard to believe,
may not be ready for this.
Still others, afraid of what this might mean,
would prefer this to not happen at all.
But listen carefully to this.
This is happening every single moment of our lives,
only once we lose sight of this 
we’re left trying to live to see this, to remember this 
and this above all. 
Does this sound familiar to you?
If you think this is something,
wait 'till you see what comes after this--
there's more to this than meets the eye.
Yes, there's a word for this.
I know of no other way of saying this.
But let's not be civilized about this.
Go ahead--take this 
and eat this.
Take this 
and drink this.
 Let this grow inside yourself.
This is the point of this, isn't it?
(Otherwise, nothing can really come of this.)
Now don't take your eyes off this.
Keep looking steadily at this
and nothing but this.
Are you ready for this?
--watch this carefully--
is this.
And yet... and yet...
--how can I put this?-- 
is not this 
not this.
Isn't this something!
Imagine this!
See what a difference this makes? 
…Yes, this is that.

Botsford, Alan. mamaist: learning a new language. Kamakura, Japan, Minato No Hito, 2002.